【美式干预制造的人权灾难# 预告来了!】
二十多年来,从阿富汗到伊拉克,从利比亚到叙利亚,自诩“人权卫士”的美国究竟是在践踏人权还是保护人权?CGTN《对话》栏目将于本周二晚19:30重磅推出专题片《“美式干预”制造的人权灾难》,揭露美国犯下的累累“人权罪行”,以种种铁一般的事实证明:其所谓 “维护人权、打击恐怖主义” 只是幌子,维持美国霸权主义和强权政治才是事实。
Looking back at its actions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria over the last two decades, what type of human rights has the U.S. advocated? Are U.S. conflicts in the Middle East beyond wars of necessity or wars of choice? Join CGTN for The Human Toll of U.S. Meddling only on Dialogue on August 9, 7:30 p.m. Beijing Time. |